Do baby's go
to Heaven when they die.?
Some may say yes IF ( that’s a big word) the child was
baptized as a infant. I would disagree ,because baptism only follows
repentance,a baby can’t repent. ( baptism is another discussion)
It's generally thought there is a age of accountability as to what
that age is is really unknown.
In Jewish tradition ,if I remember right 12 or 13 you become an adult
so is that the age ,again unknown.
Num 1:3,Num14:29 and Num 32:11 those of the age of 20 on up did not
enter the promise land There bodies fell dead while wondering the wilderness for 40 years.Those that were 19 and younger entered the promise land after the 40 years of wondering in the wilderness they were not held accountable for the sins
against God that were done by the people
Num14:29-31 :29 your
dead bodies shall fall in this wilderness, and xof
all your number, listed in the census from
years old and upward,
who have grumbled against me,
30 not
one shall come into the land where I swore
that I would make you dwell, except
Caleb the son of Jephunneh and Joshua the son of Nun. 31 But
your little ones, who you said would become a prey, I will bring in,
and they shall know the land that you
have rejected. So is the
age of accountability 20 again unknown.
So what does the Word of God say about children ?
the Children Come to Me [13] And they were bringing children to him
that he might touch them, and the disciples rebuked them. [14] But
when Jesus saw it, he
was indignant and
said to them, “Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for
to such belongs the kingdom of God. [15] Truly,
I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a
child shall not enter it.” [16] And he took them in his arms and
blessed them, laying his hands on
them. (Mark 10:13-16 ESV)
“Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me, and
whoever receives me, receives not me but him who sent me.” (Mark
9:37 ESV)
These verses show that Jesus has a heart for the children , he was
very dis-pleased with the disciples when they kept the kids from
coming to him he also used them as an example of the simplicity of
receiving the Kingdom of Heaven. This doesn't say kids go to heaven
when they die ,just that they have a special place in the Gospel
The Old Testament give's a hint.
But when David saw that his servants were whispering together, David
understood that the child was dead. And David said to his servants,
“Is the child dead?” They said, “He is dead.” (2 Samuel 12:19
He said, “While the child was still alive, I fasted and wept, for I
said, ‘Who knows whether the LORD will be gracious to me, that the
child may live?’ [23] But
now he is dead. Why should I fast? Can I bring him back again? I
shall go to him, but he will not return to me.”
(2 Samuel 12:22-23 ESV)
While Davids child was sick and dieing David fasted and wept for the
child,after the child died he arouse got cleaned up ,changed his
cloths and ate. His servants questioned Davids actions now that the
child was dead. David makes a profound statement “Why
should I fast? Can I bring him back again? I shall go to him, but he
will not return to me.”
knew he would go to heaven and that his child would be there .
Davids proclamation of seeing his child again, and Jesus love for
children and God's grace ,I believe that yes baby’s and or children
do go to Heaven when they die. As to what age God hold them
accountable for their sins ,that is unknown.
my thought on this subject.